〜新店開店のお知らせ〜 六本木3丁目 六本木グランドプラザ 1F New Open AL AIN Roppongi

『 六本木 グランド プラザ 1F 』 New Open!
南北線『 六本木一丁目 駅 』 1番出口 直結 


シェフの故国レバノン戦禍の影響でスタッフの来日が遅れており(営業縮小) 只今、ご予約のみの営業となっております。

・お料理FIX ( ¥7,000税別/1名様 )  「AL  AINセット」のみとなります。



アラビア料理レストラン アルアイン 店主

Dear Customers,

Thank you very much for your continuous support.

We want to inform you that new restaurant in
Roppongi Grand Plaza 1F (Roppongi 3-1-25, Minato-Ku, Tokyo) is now open.
The restaurant is directly connected to ‘Roppongi Itchome’ Station 1st Exit. 

We are accepting reservations for AL AIN Set menu centered around traditional and popular Arabic cuisine. 
¥7,000 +TAX/1per as staff arrival to Japan has been delayed due to the war in Lebanon.
(Advance reservation required)

This course is highly recommended as it allows you to enjoy almost all of the famous dishes in the Arab,
from appetizers to desserts and after-meal drink!
Please enjoy authentic Arabian cuisine at our new restaurant, which has just opened after relocating to Roppongi!

Thank you and we look forward to your reservation.
Arabic Restaurant AL AIN